trumpet, cornet, flugelhorn mouthpiece services


Frost Custom Brass

Superior craftsmanship with modern technology and innovation!

Frost Threaded Sleeves - Cornet  


Frost Threaded  Sleeves allow adjustment for how far the mouthpiece/backbore inserts into the leadpipe receiver.  The sleeves thread onto the mouthpiece shank that has been modified to accept them.

Frost Threaded Sleeves are available in 5 sizes:

1 - 0.341" shank end diameter (smallest)

2 - 0.343" shank end diameter

3 - 0.345" shank end diameter (stock shank size)

4 - 0.347" shank end diameter

5 - 0.349" shank end diameter (largest)

Frost Threaded Sleeves Modification

$45 - convert your cornet mouthpiece or backbore to accept sleeves.  Contact here for custom work.

Frost Threaded Sleeve Cornet